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Selectmen Minutes 08/05/2008
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 5, 2008

Members present:  Chairman Richard DeBold, Selectman Stephen MacCleery, Selectman Jeffrey Jordan, and Administrative Assistant Jamie Pike.

Others present:  Chris Weir, Mark Drew, Road Agent David Kenneally, Alan Mayville, Karen Lingner, John Martell, County Corrections Administrator Ron White, Captain Dan Ward, Sr., County Commissioner Bronwyn  Asplund-Walsh, Fire Chief Gil Vien, and Deputy Chief John Uitts.

Chairman DeBold called the meeting to order at 7:02pm

County Commissioner – Bronwyn Asplund-Walsh
Ms. Asplund-Walsh was present on this evening to bring the Board up to date with happenings within the County.  Ms. Walsh reported that the nursing home was up and running and invited the Board and all residents to visit the facility for a tour.  It was also explained that the facility was using and innovative geo-thermal heating system.

Ms. Walsh also reported that the County portion of the taxes will be going up because of the down-shift of the bed tax from the state government.  The NH Assoc of Counties has filed a lawsuit against the NH Dept of Health and Human Services to uphold HB 721 and pay the County over $9,000,000.00 in back taxes.  Ms. Walsh shall keep the Board posted on the lawsuit.

Ms. Walsh also presented the Board with a new Prescription Drug discount card.  This card is available to all residents of Merrimack County who do not currently have prescription drug insurance and is honored at all pharmacies within the County providing a discount of up to 40%.  This program has no cost to the taxpayers.  The cards will be available at the Town of Chichester Welfare office.

County Corrections Administrator – Ron White and Cpt. Dan Ward
Mr. White and Cpt. Ward were present on this evening to inform the Board of certain programs happening with the inmates of the facility.  The program of most concern for the Board is the Community Inmate Work Program.  This program provides supervised medium custody inmates to governmental, sub-governmental, and non-profit agencies for specific work projects.  This program has provided over 88,000 hours of service across the County including; Franklin, Pittsfield, Allenstown, Epsom, and Boscawen.  Projects have included; park clean-ups, trail cutting, and building maintenance.  Mr. DeBold asked if the program would be able to do general grounds keeping maintenance.  Mr. White said that it could be done, but not at this time.

Video Presentation – Mr. Chris Weir
Mr. Weir brought the video that Mr. Jordan had requested for presentation to the Board.  Mr. Weir stated that it was the Board’s decision if they wished to view the video or not.  The Board did not watch the video.  Mr. Weir presented a copy of the video for the permanent record.  In concern of the disputed statements that were made, Mr. DeBold also noted that the minutes of the June 17th meeting clearly stated the position of Mr. Jordan.

Fire Department
Chief Vien and Deputy Uitts were present on this evening to discuss the adoption of the National Incident Management System for the Town of Chichester.  This protocol must be adopted by the Town to enable future grant funding availability.  Such adoption will not incur any commit to expenditures.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to adopt the National Incident Management System as the standard Emergency Management protocol for the Town of Chichester.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold to appoint each Department Head as the single point of contact and as the principal coordinator for the National Incident Management System implementation for the Town of Chichester.  Motion seconded by Mr. MacCleery.  Motion passes.

The Board presented Chief Vien with the received price quotes for the transmission in the Forestry vehicle.  This purchase will be further discussed at the Department Head’s meeting on August 12th.

Highway Department
Mr. Kenneally was present this evening to present the final bid for the blasting work on Bear Hill Road.  The following bids were received:
                Buckeye Blasting:       $1250
                Hamilton Shea:          $3500
                Drog, Towley, Polt:     $1500
Mr. Kenneally recommended hiring Buckeye Blasting for this project.  The Board was in agreement.

Mr. Mark Drew presented a bid for the delivery of Winter Sand for the upcoming season.  The bid was for $5.40 per ton delivered.  The Board shall discuss the awarding of the bid at the Department Heads meeting on August 12th.

HealthTrust Combination of Entities Agreement
Through the hard work of the Suncook Valley Regional Association, a combination of Towns has allowed the securing of lowered rates for health insurance coverage.  This coverage will be provided by HealthTrust a subsidiary of the Local Government Center.  Another provider option was researched and was found to not be comparable.

A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery that it be resolved that the Town of Chichester shall participate in the combined rating arrangement offered by HealthTrust in connection with the Suncook Valley Regional Association, to include the Towns of Barnstead, Epsom, Pembroke, Pittsfield, Strafford, and BCEP Solid Waste, participation in the health benefits program offered by HealthTrust.  Further, that the Terms Regarding Combination of Entities for Rating Participation accepted by the Town of Chichester, HealthTrust, and the other combining HealthTrust members is hereby approved in the form presented to this meeting and that the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, Richard DeBold, is hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver to HealthTrust (i) an acknowledgment of the terms and (ii) a certificate of this resolution.  Motion seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

Zoning Violations
A Notice of Violation was signed by the Board for presentation to Mr. Drew.  Such violation shall be mailed via Certified Return Receipt.  The case shall also be turned over to Town Counsel for prosecution.

The minutes of July 29th were approved as corrected with Page 2 Paragraph 2 to read as:

After several interruptions, Mr. MacCleery directed Mr. Weir to not interrupt the Board without being recognized.  It was noted that the Board has been lenient in the past with interruptions, but is now hindering the work of the Board.  Mr. DeBold stated that he acknowledges that he needs to be more rigid in his acknowledgement of audience members and mentioned that recently he has been giving serious consideration of changing the informal nature of the Selectmen’s meeting to a more formal structure where anyone in the general public must be recognized by the Chairman before they speak.  Mr. DeBold feels this may be more necessary now since the meetings are being videotaped and the taping does not capture who is in the public audience and as a result the viewers of the tapes do not know who is speaking.  Mr. DeBold told Mr. Weir if he wishes to speak to the Board, he may be recognized by the Chairman.

The Board approved the format of the 2008/2009 Fuel Bid with minor corrections.

Mr. Pike informed the Board that the No-Thru Trucking Ordinance needed further clarification of proven necessity for Town Counsel review.  Mr. MacCleery stated that in his opinion, the necessity is for the health and welfare of the neighborhood.  It was recommended that the discussion be opened to the residents of Center Road for their input
The Board signed an Intent to Cut for Mr. O’Brien on Map 3 Lot 43.

The Board signed and issued a Timber Tax Warrant to Mr. Giuda on Map 10 Lot 9.

Mr. MacCleery noted that he had recently travelled Pleasant Street and there were several potholes with standing water.  Mr. MacCleery would like to see some hole patching done.   A memo shall be forwarded to the Mr. Kenneally concerning this issue.

Ms. Karen Lingner noted that her culvert on Pleasant Street was 75% filled with sand.

Being no further discussion a motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 8:53pm by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Not Yet Approved.
Jamie A Pike

Richard DeBold, Chairman                             Stephen MacCleery                            Jeffrey Jordan